

February 21, 2024

Manning Kass Team Earns Unanimous Defense Verdict In Riverside

Manning Kass Partner Lynn L. Carpenter and Founding Partner Eugene P. Ramirez recently obtained a unanimous 7-0 defense verdict on behalf of a Riverside County Sheriff's deputy and the County of Riverside in a federal civil rights action in the Central District of California. The lengthy case culminated with plaintiffs asking for $115 million in damages, but the jury disagreed, finding in favor of our client.

February 15, 2024

Manning Kass Land Use Team Defeats Quiet Title Claim

The Manning Kass Land Use team earned another favorable outcome for a group of clients. A bridge in Malibu was the focal point of this claim. The plaintiff filed a quiet title claim, arguing that the bridge was private property. This would only allow the bridge to be open at one entrance and one exit and at certain times of the day. This would have dramatically increased traffic times for the residents of the neighborhood.

February 8, 2024

Partner Roya H. Fohrer Featured in Browne Jacobson 'Insurance Insights 2024'

Congratulations to Los Angeles Partner Roya H. Fohrer, whose recent guest article on California Insurance legislature was published in Browne Jacobson’s round-up, 'Insurance Insights 2024.' Browne Jacobson’s collection features articles across a variety of practice areas related to the insurance market, depicting news, changes, predictions, and insights regarding navigating an ever-changing socioeconomic landscape.

February 2, 2024

Manning Kass Comes To Homeowner's Aid

In a major victory for one homeowner against several of the largest residential solar companies in the United States, Orange County Partner and leader of the Land Use team Steven W. DeLateur obtained a sweeping award in binding arbitration under the auspices of the American Arbitration Association. The award includes, among other forms of relief, the cancellation of the solar power contract, consisting of a lease of certain solar power equipment, between the homeowner and the solar company and all unpaid lease payments and other claims by the solar companies against the homeowner, compensatory money damages, the discharge of any liens against the homeowner’s property, and a large award of attorney’s fees and costs. 

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